During my time at Robinson house studio I learnt how to combine traditional making techniques with modern design.
Dan Ryder Cook

During my time at Robinson house studio I learnt how to combine traditional making techniques with modern design.
Pair of boxes I was working at a luxury yacht building company when I decided I wanted to develop my hand skills, and after musing over a few different 12 week courses, I decided that Marc’s looked the most comprehensive.
Low table, oak and concrete I worked for many years in Theatre production, as a scenic artist. It was a very varied and interesting job in which I learnt a lot about design and construction and developed a keen interest
Credenza pear and fumed oak Spending a year at Robinson House Studio instilled a confidence in my ability as a craftsman. I chose to come do a course instead of taking a more conventional approach to higher education like University.
Red acrylic and wenge cabinet When Chris came to us after 20 years of making furniture, he wanted to create the kind of furniture he had dreamed of. After a 40 week course Chris has set up his own business
Mobius light Having spent the last 30+ years working as an architect, I was keen to branch out into both designing and making things. I looked around for a suitable course and Marc Fish’s studio at robinson house was the
Alex Clough-Whelan, ex-50 week student, shares his thoughts about his time at robinson house studio, why he chose to study here, and his favourite piece.
Our one year furniture making course puts you in a great position to start your own furniture making business – and plenty of our students do! So we wanted to chat with some of our alumni who have gone on
It’s not just about the course, it’s also about the lifestyle surrounding that course – where you’ll be living, and how you’ll spend your time outside of the workshop. Chances are you’re taking a course that lasts at least a few months, and you don’t want to put your life on hold for that time.
You started out as a student here, what made you want to take the course? I did a design degree ages ago, and decided when I finished that degree that maybe it wasn’t quite what I wanted to get into,
In July we were thrilled to be part of the New Designers exhibition, showcasing our graduate students’ best work at our robinson house studio stall. Among our exhibitors were Christian Watson, Richard Warmisham, Dan Ryder Cook, Gary Adams, Sarah Christensen, Lubica Patekova, James Linard, and Laurent Peacock – who was recently awarded a Guild Mark for his Sika console table.
Ex-robinson house studio student Laurent Peacock has been awarded Bespoke Guild Mark no.465 by the Worshipful Company of Furniture Makers. The Guild Mark was awarded for his Sika console table, inspired by the stance and hide patterns of a young deer.
Theo Cook created this amazing Japanese sunrise dovetail joint which got over 11 million views on Facebook. Click here to find out more about his fantastic dovetails. What’s your role here at robinson house studio? I am vice principal and
Ex-student Felix Wells tells us what it was like to study with us during his sandwich year at university, and the benefits of having the school so close to Brighton.